Lekhpal Geography Notes

Practice Set-1 भारत का परिचय

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 30 May, 2020

Practice Set- 2 भारत के भौतिक प्रदेश

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 30 May, 2020

Practice Set -3 भारत की नदियाँ

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

Practice Set – 4 भारत की जलवायु

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

PRACTICE SET – 5 भारत की मृदा एवं वनस्पति

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 3 July, 2020

Practice Set-6 भारत की कृषि एवं परिवहन व्यवस्था

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 4 July, 2020

Practice Set-7 झीलें एवं दर्रे

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 20 July, 2020

Practice Set-8 भारत के खनिज संसाधन

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 28 July, 2020

Practice Set-9 आस्ट्रेलिया

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 01 Sep, 2020

Practice Set-10 जनजातियाँ – अभ्यास प्रश्न

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 09 Sep, 2020

Practice Set-11 दक्षिण अमेरिका अभ्यास प्रश्न

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 15 Oct, 2020

Practice Set-12 उत्तर अमेरिका अभ्यास प्रश्न

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 19 Oct, 2020

भूगोल (Hand Written Notes)

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 22 May, 2020

भारत में परिवहन

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

भारत में कृषि

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

भारत के खनिज संसाधन

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

भारत की भूगर्भिक संरचना

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

भारत की जनजातियाँ

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 26 June, 2020

विश्व का भूगोल

Geography | by Target with Alok | on 15 July, 2020


Geography | by Target with Alok | on 09 Sep, 2020