Lekhpal Science Notes
सामान्य विज्ञान- भाग-1
General Science | by Target with Alok | on 29 May, 2020
सामान्य विज्ञान- भाग-2
General Science | by Target with Alok | on 2 July, 2020
सामान्य विज्ञान- भाग-3
General Science | by Target with Alok | on 2 July, 2020
महत्वपूर्ण तत्व एवं गैसें
PRE Science Notes | by Target with Alok | on 10 July, 2020
रसायन विज्ञान- भाग – 4
PRE Science Notes | by Target with Alok | on 12 Oct, 2020